Janey Makes a Play

An e-commerce website built with WordPress, SiteOrigin's Page Builder, and utilizing WooCommerce.

Services Site Redesign

Year 2017

Janey Makes a Play

The Client

Originally, another developer had created a one-page WordPress site for the client. While functional, the site had a dated design and limited capabilities. For a PDF screenshot of the old site, click here.

When the client wanted to expand their site into an online store, they approached me. We decided to throw out the original design and start afresh. Janey Makes a Play is an e-commerce website built with WordPress and SiteOrigin's Page Builder. Utilizing the WooCommerce plugin, the site allows the client to easily sell merchandise related to their independent film "Janey Makes a Play." This project went live on production servers in early 2018, but is no longer maintained by the client.

The challenge

The client had a limited budget, so my goal was to keep costs to a minimum. The client wanted to closely follow another site that had success with selling a similar product.

The Solution

Using WordPress and SiteOrigin, I build a simple e-commerce website that was responsive and still showcased the client's creative side.

speaking page
As a videographer, the client requested to include many videos on his site.
screening kit
A page describing the screening kit
home page section
product section and page copy on the homepage
product section
product section
product page
individual product page
homepage screenshot
quotes section from the homepage